The human memory is a pretty amazing thing. The other evening TJ & I were cleaning our bedroom and had music from ITunes playing as background noise. It blew my mind how many old songs we still had on our ITunes, songs I’ve completely forgotten about over the years. But what amazes me even more is the memories that these songs bring back. Memories, I’d also completely forgotten about.
It’s funny how any of these particular songs shoot me back to a moment in my life and it’s like I am there again, living life as I did back when I loved these songs and feeling all of the feelings (the good, the bad, the ugly) that accompanied listening to them at that time.
I googled this phenomenon and found a website that referred to it as “involuntary auditory memories” which I think is an accurate description. They defined it as “the act of deliberately forming strong associations between certain pieces of music and a particular place,” also, very accurate. There’s also involuntary olfactory memories, which deal with certain scents bringing back memories but that’s a whole different blog entry for another time.
Some of the memories that these songs trigger are great ones. For example, “The Adventure” by Angels & Airwaves reminds me of when TJ & I first started dating. One of the first nights we slept together (as in, slept in the same bed together, you perverts) I had the Angels & Airwaves CD playing on repeat all night. I woke up first that morning and just listened to the music as TJ lay next to me. I remember being blown away that this guy I’ve spent so many years knowing as only a username on a computer was lying in bed next to me. It was surreal. It was perfection. That whole CD still makes me smile and think of our love blossoming. Corny, but true.
“Love Story” by Taylor Swift is another song that stirs up a happy memory for me. I used to sing the song to Melina right after she was born. I’d search it on Youtube and sing it to her over and over while I rocked her to sleep. It was my favourite song at the time and I can’t listen to it anymore without being reminded of holding a newborn Melina in my arms.
I’ve come to realize that I know literally every country song that comes on the Sirius country station TJ listens to all of the time. And I’m not even a country fan. The only reason I know these songs is because they’re all old ones, from my childhood, and I am reminded of going for drives with my Mom, going to garage sales and singing these songs at the top of my lungs. I think it’s weird that I still remember every word to these songs, fifteen years later.
Of course, there are some songs that bring back negative emotions. “Broken Wings” by Bleed The Dream reminds me of my angsty, emotional time in high school, feelings of guilt, self-loathing, etc. I try not to listen to this song anymore because it reminds me of times that I’d rather not relive.
What songs take you back to a happy point in your life?
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