I recently found a blog post of questions titled “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind". The questions are extremely thought provoking and I am going to dedicate today’s blog to answering one of the questions.
17. What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
The one thing that I’ve done that I really would like to do is get a degree or a certificate of some sort. I did attend university briefly after high school so I do have a few credit hours under my belt and I did get to experience a bit of the “university life.” The reason I have not returned to school is simple – I have changed my mind 1000 times on what I want to do with my life.
When I first attended university, my major was Justice Studies because I was completely enthralled with the criminal mind. Not just any criminal’s mind, however. Mostly just psychopaths and murderers. Morbid, yes? But then I started thinking that maybe psychology was more what I was into so then I started thinking I’d like to have a minor in psychology. I actually think that I have more psychology classes under my belt than I do classes that are really relevant to justice studies haha. I was just really interested in what makes the criminal mind tick. I still am interested in that but I don’t think I could work in that field.
Last fall I got a job at the local newspaper. Writing has always been a passion of mine so I thought this job would open all sorts of doors for me. While it did fuel my writing passion momentarily, I grew tired of that job in rather quickly. It was exciting to have a job writing but the type of writing I was required to do was not something that could hold my interest for very long. While working at the paper, however, I decided I wanted to try university again. So I got re-admitted to the University of Regina in pre-journalism. But, after realizing how hard it would be to juggle working full time, all day, some evenings and taking care of a toddler at the same time, I quickly backed out.
Now, I have a new venture in mind that I am hesitant to even share on here. It’s something that I am recently very passionate about but I am worried about my quiet personality being a hindrance. I know it’s stupid but I am scared of telling everyone that I am going to further my education and then back out, again. I am afraid of failing but, more than that, I’m afraid of looking like a failure. I almost feel like if I do decide to go down this road, I won’t be telling very many people about it. That way, if I fail, I won’t feel embarrassed as well as feeling like a failure. I know that I need to get over this fear because it’s going to rub off on Melina and I definitely don’t want my shortcomings to become hers by my hand. But we’ll see what doors open, if any, in the near future and I’ll be keeping you all updated of course. ;)
What’s holding YOU back from doing something you really want?
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