I celebrated my 25th birthday this past weekend and do i feel old! I know there's a lot of people who will read this, scoff and say "you're not old! You're still so young!" While that may be true, I have to say that I do feel old. In my close knit group of friends, I am the only one who is married and the only one with a family. That's completely okay with me. My friends and I have been friends since elementary school and although our lives have definitely gone in different directions, we try to get together once every few months. Here's the thing, though, every time we get together, it's because there's a party or someone's birthday. Every get together is fueled with alcohol. Aside from my daughters birthday parties, I think I'd be hard pressed to find a time in recent memory where my friends and I got together and didn't drink. And I was okay with it. I didnt mind "cutting loose" every once in a while (a handful of times a year). But I think I've gotten to a point in my life where I'm just over it. I'm done. I don't need to drink to have fun. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying my friends NEED to drink to have fun, I know they don't. But I just feel that we have gotten to that point in our lives where our idea of a "fun night" is completely polar opposites. I'd honestly take a night of movies and TV with my family over a night spent drinking or at the bar.
This is stemming from my extreme drunkenness this weekend. It was the drunkest I have been since having Melina and I'm embarrassed and ashamed I let myself get that bad. I didn't do anything too out of control, aside from being escorted out of the bar by a bouncer, but I just can't let it happen again. I have other responsibilities in my life now and I just can't do it anymore. I can't try to be the person I was before having Melina, where I could hold my liquor and have a super awesome amazing night out on the town, because I'm not that person anymore. Becoming a mother has changed me and my idea of fun. Maybe I'm "boring" now but I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything by not going to parties or forgoing a night of drinking for a night of snuggles with Melina. I don't consider myself boring at all, I'm just a different person now and I'm completely okay with that. :) I'm not saying I'm better than someone else because I'm choosing to not drink anymore. I'm just saying that my life has taken me in a direction whereby drinking doesn't have a place on the priority list anymore.
So this is my mission statement, I will no longer drink to get drunk. Any alcoholic beverages that I will have will be the kind enjoyed with a "cheat meal" and will be drank very sparingly. If I'm invited to situations where alcohol is to be consumed, I will gladly be the designated driver or kindly decline the invite.
The only exception to this rule is if I ever go to Vegas again ;)
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