This wedding has been a long time coming. He proposed to me on New Years Eve 2007 – a lifetime ago – in the Dominican Republic. It was the best way to kick off the new year! We never meant to have such a looong engagement but life, as it has a way of doing, kind of got in the way!
I knew I would marry my fiancĂ© just a couple weeks into our relationship. It’s so fun for me to go back in time and read my old journals from when I started dating him.
June 12, 2006
“I've seen TJ every single day since last Friday. Loving every minute of it. We have so much in common and when we're together, we laugh like there's no freakin' tomorrow. How many people can say that they've had their pet turtles run away? Haha. TJ & I can! We're sweet like that.
...And his smile. Oh God. I don't think anyone else's smile has ever (and will ever) have the same effect on me as TJ's does. It's amazing. Contagious. I'm never not smiling when we're together..”
And...five years later, we are still are the dorkiest and funnest people (err...parents!) I know and his smile still is just as gorgeous and as incredibly contagious as ever.
The wedding planning process has been a blast for me. I have spent countless hours ensuring that our wedding is outside of the box and not your average, run of the mill wedding. We want it to be memorable, not just for my fiancé and myself, but for the people who have played such a vital part in our lives and made us who we are. I hope that we have succeeded in that venture.
I can’t believe the wedding day is nearly here. In 8 short days, I will become a Mrs. I have spending my entire life dreaming about my wedding day and to see that it’s almost actually here is very surreal. It's hard to believe that he proposed over three years ago already.

Our lives have changed so much from that love struck couple getting who got engaged in the Dominican Republic on New Years Eve 2007! We have been through hell and back and have had our relationship and commitment for one another tested time and time again but have been there for each other every step of the way.
Yes, I may not be the same 18-year-old who wrote that journal entry I quoted above, but my feelings for TJ have not changed.
Enjoy this flashback to our humble beginnings!

(June 2006, our first photo together as a couple)

(September 2006, my 19th birthday....a big blur for me)

(December 2006, our first Christmas together with the ugliest Christmas tree I've ever seen lol)

(June 2007)

(September 2007, my birthday)

(December 2007, the night he proposed)

(March 2008)

(August 2008)

(October 2008, proud/tired parents!)

(October 2009, our engagement photos)

(October 2009, Melina's 1st birthday)

(October 2009, Halloween after TJ's accident)

(January 2010, during one of TJ's physiotherapy sessions)

(August 2010, my family!)

(April 2011, hands-on training at Project Walk in California)

(June 2011, our wedding shower)
I hope you enjoyed the blast from the past that these photos provided! It was fun putting them together and eye-opening seeing just how much we've been through together as such a young couple! I anticipate our future together.
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