Life Quotes
It’s like something ‘clicked’ in my brain sometime in the last couple of months because I have been so happy – the happiest I’ve been in a couple of years, in fact! And it’s been amazing. I feel like a fog has been lifted and I am loving it.
Let’s be honest, the past two years have been a struggle for my family. TJ’s accident was exactly two years ago on October 24th. I will never forget the little tiny details of that day, like what we had for lunch (grilled cheese sandwiches and sweet potato fries) or what time I got that phone call from the RCMP saying TJ was in an accident (10:44 p.m.) but I finally feel like I’ve come to terms with the accident and the changes that came because of it. I have struggled silently with anger and sadness as a result of what our family has gone through, but, as I said, I finally feel like the dark little cloud surrounding me is gone and I can see the good things that I have going for me.
Yay me, right?
Because things have been going so well, I’ve been noticing differences in my personality and feelings of self-worth. I’m not so self-conscious anymore. For example, if I were at the gym two years ago and there were boys there working out, I’d stick to cardio machines only. I didn’t want to lift weights in front of boys. But now, I head to the weight racks without a second thought! As a result of my increased confidence, I took a huge step today and signed up for a course I’ve been looking into seriously the past year or so. If you know me at all you’d know that the one thing that really bothers me about myself and my life (and has bothered me since high school) is my lack of insight into what I want to do with my future. I’ve gone through every profession from teacher to lawyer to writer to criminologist to forensic psychologist to photographer name it, seriously. And while it’s true that a lot of those topics still interest me to a certain degree, I have never believed in my capabilities to pursue a career in any of those fields.
Then in 2008, my life changed. Aside from having my beautiful daughter in October (she, btw, celebrating her third birthday last Sunday! Yikes! Time flies TOO fast), I also packed on some serious poundage. I was nearly 200 lbs when I had Melina which is +60 lbs from what I weighed when I got pregnant. I was huge, unhappy and flabby. Then I bit the bullet one day and bought a gym membership. It seemed like a chore at the time but the weight falling off of me made me continue going. In 2009, TJ & I joined a Biggest Loser competition in our town and lost some more weight together and it was then that the ‘monster’ in me was awakened. I love fitness. I love exercising. I don’t even view it as a chore anymore. I own a 1000 workout DVDs, programs and books (okay, that’s a slight exaggeration of course but if you ask TJ he will lie and tell you I actually do own a 1000). So, today I signed up for a personal training certification class. It’s done through correspondence so I can do all my course work from home which is convenient. And I have to say, I am SO pumped to start learning more about this field, even just for my own benefit as an exercise! I can’t wait to learn about the human body and relive some of the things I hated learning about in high school (when I was also overweight and didn’t care about health/fitness). I will admit, however, that my sights aren’t set at becoming a personal trainer right away. I am one of those people who needs to be 110% sure of something before I set my mind to it and I feel that taking more courses in this field before I even think about training someone would be beneficial for me. I want to know everything I possibly can! I don’t want to do this wishy-washy. I want to learn more about proper nutrition and, conveniently enough, the same association from which I’m taking the personal trainer course offers a nutrition certificate as well.
I am excited for the text book to be on my door step in a few days and to dive into it head first. I want to learn and I’m so thrilled to be about to embark on a learning journey in something that I truly am passionate about! Hip hip hurray!